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can you recycle phone cases

by:Jolly     2023-07-08

Can You Recycle Phone Cases?

Are you someone who frequently updates their phone case for a new look? Perhaps you want to switch out your old case for a new and more stylish one. Once youve made the decision to swap out your phone case wholesale, what do you do with the old one? Can you recycle phone cases? Weve got answers to your questions.

Can Phone Cases Be Recycled?

The short answer is yes; phone cases can be recycled. However, it depends on the material of the case. Plastic phone cases, for example, can be recycled, but you should be sure to check if your local recycling facility accepts them. Harder plastic phone cases like those for Otterbox and LifeProof cases should be returned to the manufacturer to be recycled through their specific recycling programs.

Silicone phone cases can also be recycled, but its important to note that the recycling process is a bit more complicated than with plastic cases. The key to recycling silicone cases is finding facilities that specifically deal with silicone. You can check for local facilities that carry silicone by searching the national RECYCLES database, which provides information on nontraditional materials recycling.

Eco-Friendly Options

If youre looking for an eco-friendly phone case option, there are plenty of options out there. Many cases on the market now are made from sustainable and eco-conscious materials like bamboo, cork, and even recycled plastic. These materials not only are better for the environment but can also make your phone stand out with a unique look.

Bamboo phone cases, for example, are eco-friendly because bamboo is a highly sustainable resource. Its the fastest-growing plant on earth and can grow up to three feet in just one day. Furthermore, bamboo also helps to absorb carbon dioxide, making it even better for the environment. Cork phone cases, on the other hand, are made from the bark of the cork oak tree, which is harvested without harming the tree itself. This means cork phone cases are both sustainable and vegan-friendly.

How to Properly Dispose of Phone Cases

If you arent able to recycle your phone case for whatever reason, youll need to dispose of it properly. To do this, you should place the phone case in the trash. But before you toss it away, its important to note that phone cases can take hundreds of years to decompose in landfills. As weve mentioned, a more eco-friendly option is to choose a phone case made from materials that are better for the environment. If youre unable to recycle or upcycle your phone case, you should dispose of it responsibly.

Upcycling Your

Speaking of upcycling, there are plenty of opportunities to give your old phone case new life. If youre crafty, you can easily repurpose your old phone case into something new. One of the most popular ways to upcycle phone cases is to use them as planters for succulents. Simply cut a small hole in the bottom of the case for drainage and add your soil and succulent. Voila! A new life has been given to your old phone case. Other ways to upcycle phone cases include turning them into keychains, bookmarks, or even small wallets.


So, can you recycle phone cases? The answer is yes, with some research and effort. Always be sure to check your local recycling facilities to see whether they accept plastic phone cases or not. You can also look into eco-conscious materials if youre looking to make a conscious effort to recycle better. Lastly, dont forget about the opportunities to upcycle your old phone case into something new and useful.

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