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how to make a card wallet out of paper

by:Jolly     2023-07-29

How to Make a Card Wallet Out of Paper

Do you ever find yourself struggling to keep your credit cards, ID cards, and other important cards organized? If so, a card wallet may be just what you need. But why spend money on a store-bought wallet when you can make your own out of paper? In this article, we will show you how to make a simple and stylish card wallet out of paper thats perfect for carrying all of your essential cards.

Materials Needed

Before starting the project, gather the following materials:

- A sheet of 8.5 x 11-inch paper

- Ruler

- Scissors

- Glue (preferably a glue stick)

Step 1: Fold the Paper in Half

To start, take your sheet of paper and fold it in half vertically, making sure the edges are aligned. Use your ruler to ensure the edges are even.

Step 2: Cut the Paper in Half

Next, use your scissors to cut the folded paper in half along the crease. You should now have two equal-sized pieces of paper.

Step 3: Fold Each Half in Half

Now take one of the halves and fold it in half horizontally. Press down on the crease to make it as crisp as possible. Repeat with the other half of the paper.

Step 4: Create the Card Pockets

To make the card pockets, take one of the halves you folded in the previous step and fold it again, so the bottom edge meets the center crease. Do the same thing with the top edge, making sure both folds are aligned with the center crease. The result should be a rectangular pocket. Repeat this step with the other half of the paper.

Step 5: Glue the Pockets

Take one of the pockets you just made and apply glue to the side edges. Then position it on one half of the paper that has not yet been folded, making sure the bottom edge is flush with the bottom of the paper. Repeat this step with the other pocket, placing it on the opposite half of the paper.

Step 6: Fold the Wallet Closed

Once the glue has dried, fold the wallet closed along the center crease. The pockets should be facing inward.

Step 7: Enjoy Your New Wallet!

Congratulations! You have just made your own card wallet out of paper. Now you can store your credit cards, ID cards, and other important cards in a single, convenient location.

Tips and Tricks

- If you want your wallet to be more durable, consider using cardstock paper instead of regular printer paper.

- You can also decorate your wallet by using colored or patterned paper.

- If you want to make the pockets wider, just adjust the size of the folds accordingly.


Making a card wallet out of paper is a fun and easy project that can save you money and give you a sense of accomplishment. With just a few basic materials and a little bit of time, you can create a stylish and functional wallet to keep your cards organized. So why not try it out today? You might be surprised at how simple it is to make your own wallet!

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