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how to paint mobile phone case

by:Jolly     2023-08-02

If the case of your phone has become boring, faded or simply outdated, then a DIY paint job may be just the thing to give it a fresh new look. Not only can you add some personality to your phone, but it's also a great way to save some cash.

In this article, we've put together a step-by-step guide on how to paint mobile phone cases like a pro. Let's get started!

Supplies Needed:

- Mobile phone case

- Sandpaper

- Masking tape

- Spray paint (of your choice)

- Gloss varnish or clear coat

- Some old newspapers or cardboard to protect the surface.

1. Choose the Right Case

The first thing to consider is the type of case you want to paint. Make sure that it's compatible with your phone and offers the right level of protection. You'll also want to choose a case that has a smooth surface for better paint adherence. Avoid any cases that are too textured or has patterns that would conflict with the design you have in mind.

2. Prepare Your for Painting

Before starting, remove any dirt and grime from the surface of the case using some warm water and soap. After washing, use a dry towel to remove any water residue. Then, use a fine-grit sandpaper to roughen the surface of the case, giving it some keying that will help the paint bond.

Once you're done sanding the surface, use a piece of damp cloth to wipe away dust and let the case dry completely.

3. Masking

Use masking tape to protect any areas of the case that you do not want to paint, such as buttons, the camera lens or logo printed on the back. It's important to avoid any areas that will not have a strong adhesive bond as masking tape may peel off the existing paint.

4. Spray Painting

When spray painting, use short, light strokes to avoid drips and pooling. Make sure to apply the paint evenly across the surface to ensure a smooth and consistent finish.

After the first coat, let the paint dry for a few minutes before applying another coat. Depending on the color and finish, you may only need one to two coats to achieve your desired look.

5. Gloss Varnish or Clear Coat

Once the paint has dried, apply a gloss varnish or clear coat to protect the paint from chipping or fading. A clear protective coating will also provide an extra layer of durability, maintaining the quality of the paint job.

And voila! You now have a beautifully painted phone case that's unique to you.

Article Summary:

1. Choose the Right Case.

2. Prepare Your for Painting.

3. Masking

4. Spray Painting

5. Gloss Varnish or Clear Coat

In conclusion, painting a phone case wholesale is an easy, fun and cost-effective way to revamp your phone's look. With a little bit of creativity and patience, you can create a custom design that truly showcases your personality. So, grab your supplies and get started on your DIY phone case project today!

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