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how to use cold card wallet

by:Jolly     2023-07-27


If you are looking for a secure way to store your cryptocurrencies, then the Coldcard Wallet is a great option to consider. Designed with advanced security features and created specifically for Bitcoin storage, this hardware wallet offers the highest level of protection for your digital assets. However, using a Coldcard wallet can be intimidating for those who are new to the world of cryptocurrency. That's why we've put together this article as a step-by-step guide to help you understand how to use your Coldcard wallet.

Setting up your Coldcard wallet

Before you start using your Coldcard wallet, you need to set it up properly. Here's how:

Step 1 - Unpack and connect the device

When you receive your Coldcard wallet, you'll need to unpack it and connect it to your computer using the USB cable provided.

Step 2 - Choose PIN

Once you've connected the wallet, you'll need to create a PIN. The PIN can be up to 6 digits long and should not be similar to any other number you use.

Step 3 - Create a Recovery Seed

The next step is to create a Recovery Seed. This is a list of 24 words that will be used to recover your wallet in case you lose it. Make sure to write down this list on a piece of paper and store it in a secure location.

Step 4 - Verify the Recovery Seed

After creating the Recovery Seed, you'll be asked to verify it. This involves entering the words in the correct order. Make sure you verify it correctly as it can't be edited later.

Step 5 - Set up your SD Card

If your SD card is not pre-formatted, you will need to format it. Follow the instructions on the screen to format it correctly.

With these steps completed, your wallet is good to go.

How to use your Coldcard wallet

Now that your Coldcard wallet is set up, here are the steps to use it:

1. Turn on the Coldcard

To turn on the Coldcard, simply plug it into your computer via the USB cable. Then enter your PIN to unlock it.

2. Choose an operation

Once you've unlocked your wallet, you will see a list of operations. Choose the operation you want to perform, such as 'Send Bitcoin' or 'Receive Bitcoin'.

3. Enter the details

In this step, you'll need to enter the details such as the address you want to send the Bitcoin to or the amount you want to receive.

4. Verify the details

After entering the details, you'll be asked to verify them. Make sure to double-check all the details before proceeding.

5. Confirm the transaction

Finally, confirm the transaction on your Coldcard wallet by pressing the right-hand button. You'll see a message on your screen that says, 'OK?' Press the right-hand button again to confirm the transaction.

Tips for using Coldcard wallet

1. Keep your Seed Phrase Safe

As mentioned earlier, the Seed Phrase is the most important thing when it comes to recovering your wallet. Make sure to keep it safe in a secure location and never share it with anyone.

2. Always Verify

When using the Coldcard wallet, always take your time to verify the details before confirming any transaction. This is especially important when entering the address you want to send your Bitcoin to.

3. Backup your wallet

It is always a good idea to backup your wallet to another device or secure location. This will ensure that you don't lose your funds in case your Coldcard is damaged or lost.


The Coldcard wallet is an excellent option for those who want to store their Bitcoin securely. If you are new to using the Coldcard wallet, then follow the instructions outlined in this article to get started. By taking your time and following the steps carefully, you'll be able to use your Coldcard wallet with ease and confidence.

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